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Offer - Safety and healthy

Offer - Safety and healthy


Training "Requirements of ISO45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System”

This training focuses on the requirements of ISO45001:2018, helping you grasp the intricacies and requirements of the standard in terms of improving working conditions and minimizing the risks connected with potential workplace accidents. We will discuss the requirements for conducting risk analysis at the workplace and I'll guide you through the process of hazard identification and utilizing preventive measures. You will be trained to develop an Occupational Health and Safety (BHP) policy, creating a culture of secure and ergonomic work practices. 

The training also involves the requirements of engaging employees in safety enhancement and emphasizes the importance of employee consultations for refining the Occupational Health and Safety Management System. If your goal is to ensure optimal working conditions for your employees, thus promoting employee retention, this training will help you grasp the ISO45001 standard requirements and, at the same time, initiate systematic safety management actions within your organization, moving beyond mere paperwork.